Program Description

The Undergraduate Program in Communication and Cultural Sciences offers a new curricular plan adapted to the global trends of the world of Communication. With solid theoretical training as well as practical training adapted to the job market, the Faculty of Human Sciences offers areas of specialization that enable the training of exceptional professionals, capable of pursuing their careers at a national and international level.

With 96% of employment rate, our degree is structured into four distinct but interrelating fields in order to group both inter and trans-disciplinary approaches, a factor of differentiation and recognition of our degree in the labor market.

At the Católica-Human Sciences, in addition to the contact with the core themes and problematic issues to the Communication Sciences, students gain the opportunity to develop competences and acquire knowledge in areas of relevance and importance to their future professional routines, such as Law, Economics, Ethics, History and Languages.


Why choose Cultural and Touristic Communication?


The Cultural and Creative Industries are today perceived as one of the main sectors developing the employment and the wealth of a nation.

Alongside the artists, there is thus the need to train professionals with the appropriate profiles to managing the communications of high level structure responding to the objectives of Portugal in these fields of business and performance.


Deepen the knowledge of languages

In a world increasingly shaped by globalisation, knowledge about foreign languages provides an added dimension to both personal and professional self-fulfilment. The Social and Cultural Communication Studies undergraduate degree also provides the opportunity to deepen the learning of two languages, enabling the acquisition of a high level of competence.

Customize your Program

Specialise in a field of interest

While the 1st year is a year of common foundation with core courses of Communication Studies, from the 2nd year students can find a specialized and flexible program, in which students may choose one of the four areas of specialisation, where they go on to approach the main themes and professional practices in a structured and applied approach.

Elective Courses

Complementary to the theoretical and practical training and as a means of fostering inter and trans-disciplinary understandings, students may opt to attend other courses taught in another specialisation in which they have a particular interest as well as on the other degree programs available in either the Faculty of Human Sciences or in any other faculties at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa.



Admissions Office - Undergraduate

Phone: (+351) 217 214 293


Diogo Consciência

Diogo Consciência

"Valorizo bastante a parte prática do curso, a organização da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e a qualidade do ensino."

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