A change of degree is the act by which a student enrols and/or joins a different institution and degree from the one in which, in previous academic years, they were enrolled (Ordinance no. 181-D/2015 of 19 June).

Students can request a change of degree if they:

1.       Have been enrolled in another institution/degree pair and have not completed their degree, whether in Portugal or abroad;

2.       Have taken the Portuguese higher education entrance exams corresponding to the entrance exams set by the Faculty of Human Sciences for the year in which they request a Change of Institution/Degree Pair (these national exams may have been taken in any previous academic year) or equivalent exams;

3.       Have obtained, in these exams, the minimum mark set by Universidade Católica Portuguesa that year.


Applications 2024/2025


Single Phase

  • Applications: April 16 to June 25
  • Results: July 3
  • Registration: July 4 to 10

Change of degree from a national Higher Education Institution

The change of degree request can only be made online within the set deadlines.

Required Documentation
  • Portuguese ID card;
  • Curricular plan of the degree you are currently attending or have previously attended;
  • Certificate listing the subjects that were successfully completed, with the corresponding marks, credits and workload or ECTS; 
  • List of subjects for possible receipt of equivalences;
  • ENES file;
  • Motivation letter.


Change of degree from a foreign Higher Education Institution

The change of degree request can only be made online within the set deadlines.

Required Documentation
  • Passport;
  • Curricular plan of the degree you are currently attending or have previously attended;
  • Certificate listing the subjects that were successfully completed, with the corresponding marks, credits and workload or ECTS; The certificate must be accompanied by a statement explaining the marks contained therein, should these differ from the zero to twenty grading scale;
  • List of subjects for possible receipt of equivalences;
  • Certificate of completion of secondary education with itemised marks by subject;
  • Motivation letter.

Note: Original documentation must be duly certified by the Portuguese consular services or embassies based in the country in which the qualification was obtained, or by the consular services or embassies of these foreign countries in Portugal, or bear the Hague Apostille, in the case of countries which joined the Hague Convention. Where the application is submitted by e-mail, any documents bearing the Apostille will have to be submitted during enrolment.


Change of degree – within UCP

Candidates for a change of degree within UCP need simply submit an application addressed to the Director of the Faculty, requesting a change of degree, since the necessary documentation will be forwarded by School Services, which already have the student’s file. This request will be reviewed by the Board of the Faculty of Human Sciences.


Application for Equivalence

Candidates who are admitted may request the attribution of equivalences and respective ECTS credits, corresponding to the curricular units that they successfully completed at their original institution.

The subjects to which equivalence is granted will receive the ECTS credits provided for in the curricular plan of the Faculty of Human Sciences of Universidade Católica Portuguesa.


Application Process

(change of degree from a national or foreign Higher Education Institution)

Step 1 – Start your online application selecting "Change of Institution/Course Pair" (HERE)

Please fill in your personal details, select the degree you wish to apply for, and attach all required documentation.*

The original document or a certified copy must be submitted to the Secretaria Escolar (Administrative Office) during enrolment.

* Please note that all documents must be submitted in PDF format.


Step 2 – Payment of application fee

After completing your application and attaching the required documentation, you must complete payment of the application fee (290.00€* - which is non-refundable). Please note that your application will only be considered complete after payment of this fee.

* Corresponding value for the academic of 2024/2025

Step 3 – Application Results

Results will be made available in the Candidate Area on the scheduled date, with the indication of “Admitted” or “Not admitted”. You can access this area using the login details you will receive at the end of your application.

After results are released, you will receive an email with instructions on how to enrol.





Magdalena Brito LEA

Magdalena Brito

"I chose the Business Relations route due to its encompassing curriculum. I feel that this degree opens up multiple avenues that will be important to my professional future.”

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