
PhD in Psychology in the field of Psychological Assessment (1997) - Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Éducation de l'Université de Liège, Belgium. CRC-W - Católica Research Center for Psychological, Family and Social Wellbeing collaborator, currently coordinates the Creativity and Well-being in Organizations project.

Since 2013, she has been an Invited Associate Professor at FCH- Universidade Católica Portuguesa where she coordinates Postgraduate Studies in Communication and Positive Psychology: Contributions to Well-Being in Organizations and Advanced Training in Emotional Intelligence.

She defines herself as an interdisciplinary researcher in Psychology, with a special focus on Psychological Assessment in Organizations and Leadership, and is currently developing research on Creativity Values ​​and well-being in Organizational Context and Measures for Creativity Assessment . She is also involved in the design and evaluation of interdisciplinary interventions aimed  promoting creativity in organizations. His teaching areas focus on Social and Organizational Psychology. She has been teaching for 25 years, coordinating course units that establish bridges between Psychology, Management and Human Resource Management. She has several publications with peer review, national and international, in magazines, book chapters and conference proceedings.



Time or Money: Do Working Time Mismatch, Income, and Materialism Interact to Affect Subjective Well-Being?

Leonor Almeida (with Kreft & Almeida). 2024. Journal of Happiness Studies

A criatividade está nos detalhes

Leonor Almeida (with Leonor). 2021. INFAD
Book Chapter

Desafios das organizações face ao envelhecimento

Leonor Almeida (with Leonor). 2021. Envelhecimento
Book Chapter

Desafios das Organizações face ao Envelhecimento: Criatividade e Inovação

Leonor Almeida (with Almeida, L.). 2021. Envelhecimento: Dimensões e Contextos
Book Chapter

Desafios das Organizações face ao Envelhecimento:Criatividade e Inovação

Leonor Almeida (with Leonor). 2021. In Carneiro Pinto & Rebelo Pinto (coordenadores). Envelhecimento: Dimensões e Contextos 

Did telework confined wellbeing and creativity?

Leonor Almeida (with Leonor). 2021. XXX Congreso Internacional de Psicología y Educación-INFAD, Zaragoza, Spain, 10/11/21
Book Chapter

Psicologia do trabalho

Leonor Almeida & Joana Carneiro Pinto (with Joana Carneiro Pinto). 2021. Psicologia em movimento
Book Chapter

Psicologia do trabalho

Leonor Almeida (with Joana Carneiro Pinto). 2021. Psicologia em movimento
Book Chapter

Psicologia do Trabalho: O Traçar de um Perfil de Conhecimentos e Competências.

Leonor Almeida (with Almeida, L.). 2021. Psicologia em Movimento

Amaro, A., Almeida, L., Fernandes, L. (2020, July). Measuring Motivation and Technical Competences Achievement to Compare Two Teaching Methods: A Portuguese Business School Case. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Education and New Learn...

Leonor Almeida 2020. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Online Conference. 6-7 July, 2020. doi: 10.21125/edulearn
Book Chapter

Gestão de Talentos com base nos valores de Vida

Leonor Almeida 2020. Gestão de Talentos

Measuring Motivation and Technical Competences Achievement to Compare Two Teaching Methods: A Portuguese Business School Case.

Leonor Almeida 2020. 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Book Chapter

Test For Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP): A Revised Factorial Structure

Leonor Almeida 2020. In C. Pracana and M. Wang (Eds). Psychology Applications & Developments V - Advances in Psychology and Psychological Trends Series . Lisbon: InScience Press.

A Structural Model Of The Test For Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP) In Adults- Revised.


Creative and innovative: an assay of workers

Leonor Almeida 2019. Revista Sul Americana de Psicologia, 7(1), 32-54

Creativity and authentic leadership : a study in the Portuguese banking sector

Leonor Almeida (with Baptista, Mariana Bernardo de Mendonça). 2019.

Criatividade e Valores de Vida em Líderes e Não Líderes: O Que Faz a Diferença?


Does virtuous leadership walk side by side with creativity in Delta Cafés?

Leonor Almeida (with Abreu, Isabel Cruz Nogueira Telo de). 2019.

Normative Values For The Test For Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP)


Normative Values for the Test for Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP), Over the School Years in Portuguese Private Schools.

Leonor Almeida (with Sara Ibérico Nogueira). 2019.
Book Chapter

O Papel do Líder no Desenvolvimento de Equipas Criativas

Leonor Almeida 2019. Liderança - Desenvolvimento Empresarial

Out of ordinary bounds : levels of creativity and self-evaluation of creativity by domains of the Portuguese Catholic University’ students

Leonor Almeida (with Sousa, Maria Manuel Tavares Figueiredo de). 2019.

A Structural Model of Life Values Inventory (LVI) in Portuguese workers. 16th ICIE conference 2018 on Excellence, Innovation, & Creativity in Basic-Higher Education & Psychology

Leonor Almeida 2018. 16th ICIE conference 2018 on Excellence, Innovation, & Creativity in Basic-Higher Education & Psychology

In the path of Two Tracks of Thought: A Structural Model of the Test for Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP), over the school years in Portuguese context.

Leonor Almeida 2018. 16th ICIE conference 2018 on Excellence, Innovation, & Creativity in Basic-Higher Education & Psychology

Normative values for the Life Values Inventory (LVI), for Portuguese adults

Leonor Almeida 2018. 16th ICIE conference 2018 on Excellence, Innovation, & Creativity in Basic-Higher Education & Psychology

Normative values for the Test for Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP), for Portuguese workers.

Leonor Almeida 2018. Excellence, Innovation, & Creativity in Basic-Higher Education & Psychology

Normative values for the Test for Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP), over the school years in Portuguese context.

Leonor Almeida 2018. 16th ICIE conference 2018 on Excellence, Innovation, & Creativity in Basic-Higher Education & Psychology - University Paris Descartes, July 3-6, 2018.

What values guide the Portuguese workers?

Leonor Almeida 2018. 16th ICIE conference 2018 on Excellence, Innovation, & Creativity in Basic-Higher Education & Psychology

Analysis of factorial invariance across grades in the Portuguese version of the Test for Creative Thinking-Drawing Production.


Are We Teaching What We're Preaching? The Relationship Between the Values of Life and Creativity Levels in College Level And Non-College Level Teachers.

Leonor Almeida 2017. Proceedings of InPACT 2017 International Psychological Applications, Conferences and Trends

Factorial invariance across gender in the Portuguese version for the Test for Creative Thinking-Drawing Production.

Leonor Almeida 2017. The International Conference on Excellence, Innovation, & Creativity in Basic-Higher Education & Psychology Latest Development in Research & Practices

Factorial invariance across school levels in the Portuguese version of the TCT-DP.

Leonor Almeida 2017. Proceedings of InPACT 2017 International Psychological Applications, Conferences and Trends

TTT- Two Tracks of Thought: A structural model of the Test for Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP)

Leonor Almeida 2017. Creative Research Journal

Branco, I., Almeida, L. & Ibérico Nogueira (2016). Bem-estar vs. Ansiedade e Depressão em Enfermeiros com Trabalho por Turnos.

Leonor Almeida 2016. Actas do 3º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, 28 de setembro a 1de Outubro, Porto: Alfândega do Porto

Caracterização do Sistema de Valores e Níveis de Criatividade em Estudantes Universitários.

Leonor Almeida 2016. Psicologia em Revista.

Criatividade e Estilos de Pensar e Criar em Futuros Gestores Músicos e Arquitectos

Leonor Almeida 2016. Estudos de Psicologia, 33(3),477-488

Criatividade nas Organizações Públicas: Para quando o Sector da Saúde?

Leonor Almeida 2016. Actas do 3º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, 28 de setembro a 1de Outubro ,Porto: Alfândega do Porto.

Estilos de Criar e Pensar em Estudantes Universitários.

Leonor Almeida 2016. Actas do 3º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, 28 de setembro a 1de Outubro Porto: Alfândega do Porto.

Life values and creativity in future psychologists and managers: what differences?

Leonor Almeida 2016. Proceedings of InPACT 2016, International Psychological Applications, Conferences and Trends

Life values and creativity in future psychologists and managers: what differences?

Leonor Almeida (with Almeida, L. ). 2016. InPACT 2016, International Psychological Applications, Conferences and Trends.
Book Chapter

Valores e Papéis de Vida: Família e Trabalho.

Leonor Almeida 2016. Família: Essência e Multidisciplinaridade.

Who are they? Creativity and Innovativeness: Featuring Workers.

Leonor Almeida 2016. International Journal of Psychological Research.

The Style Troika Model (STM).

Leonor Almeida 2015. Journal of Creative Behavior

The Style Troika Model: A Structural Model of the Thinking and Creating Styles Scale

Leonor Almeida (with Ibérico Nogueira, Sara). 2015. The Journal of Creative Behavior
Book Chapter

Liderança e criatividade nas organizações

Leonor Almeida (with Almeida, L.). 2013. Excelência Organizacional

Valores e Criatividade em Trabalhadores Portugueses

Leonor Almeida (with Almeida, L.). 2013. Revista Estudos de Psicologia

Estudo Preliminar do Teste Test for Creative Thinking – Drawing Production (TCT – DP)

Leonor Almeida (with Almeida, L.). 2010. Psychologica

Propensão para Inovar e Criatividade. Um estudo com adultos trabalhadores portugueses

Leonor Almeida (with Almeida, L.). 2008. Revista de Psicologia da Vector Editora

A Criatividade em Estudantes Universitários- a avaliação com o Test for Creative Thninking – Drawing production (TCT – DP)

Leonor Almeida (with Almeida, L., Barbosa, V. & Ibérico Nogueira, S). 2007. IX Congreso Internacional Galego-Portugues de Psicopedagoxía
Book Chapter

Estudos Portugueses com o Inventário dos Valores de Vida

Leonor Almeida (with Almeida, L.). 2007. Psicologia Social. Perspectivas e Aportaciones hacia um mundo possible

Níveis de criatividade dos professores do ensino secundário- a avaliação com o Test for Creative Thninking – Drawing production (TCT – DP)

Leonor Almeida (with Almeida, L., Correia, D. & Ibérico Nogueira, S). 2007. IX Congreso Internacional Galego-Portugues de Psicopedagoxía. A Coruña: Universidade
Book Chapter

O Inventário dos Valores de Vida

Leonor Almeida (with Almeida, L.). 2007. Avaliação Psicológica:Instrumentos validados para a população portuguesa
Book Chapter

A culturally sensitive, values-based approach to career counselling

Leonor Almeida (with Almeida, L.). 2006. Foudations of Mental Health Counseling

Life Values Inventory (LVI): Studies with Higher Education Students.

Leonor Almeida (with Almeida,L.). 2005. FEDORA Publications

Life Values Inventory (LVI):Um Estudo com Mulheres Portuguesas.

Leonor Almeida (with Almeida, L.). 2005. Análise Psicológica

Life Values Inventory (LVI): Portuguese Adaptation Studies.

Leonor Almeida (with Almeida, L.). 2004. Canadian Journal of Career Counselling

O Inventário dos Valores de Vida (LVI): Estudos com Adultos Trabalhadores.

Leonor Almeida (with Almeida, L.). 2004. Revista do Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão
Book Chapter

Os valores em estudantes do 12ºano de escolaridade: estudos com o Life Values Inventory (LVI).

Leonor Almeida (with Almeida,L.). 2004. DesenvolvimentoVocacional ao Longo da vida : Fundamentos, Princípios e Orientações

Almeida, L., Ibérico Nogueira, S., Lima, T. S. ( 2017).Factorial invariance across school levels in the Portuguese version of the TCT-DP.

Book Chapter

Assessing Creativity: The Test for Creative Thinking- Drawing Production (TCT-DP). The ConceptApplication, Evaluation and Portuguese Studies


Autoliderança e Estratégias de Criatividade em Líderes e Não-Líderes.

Leonor Almeida European Journal of Applied Business and Management.

Normative values for Creating and Thinking Styles-Troika Scale (CTS-TS), for Portuguese population.

Leonor Almeida 16th ICIE conference 2018 on Excellence, Innovation, & Creativity in Basic-Higher Education & Psychology - University Paris Descartes