Several volunteers from the Universidade Católica Portuguesa's Projeto VIDA will be leading a series of workshops for users and employees of CASA – Centro de Apoio ao Sem-Abrigo, between March 18 and April 22.
Filipa Portugal Bentes, a nutritionist and student on the Master's Degree in Communication Studies at the FCH, led the first workshop on Food Education. "As well as being very well received, the feedback was very positive. The workshop's main objective was to demystify healthy eating, making participants understand how they can adopt a healthy diet at a low cost. Waste and food safety were also topics covered. Through this workshop, the participants felt more empowered to plan, buy, cook and store food," said Filipa Portugal Bentes.
Carlota Silva, CASA's Technical Director, considered the training "very useful" and opened the door to the possibility of "continuing" training in this area of food education.
On March 27, a workshop was held on "Personal Development", led by Rita Paiva e Pona, Coordinator of the Social Responsibility Office and Advisor to the Rectorate for Social Responsibility at UCP, who is a former student of the Undergraduate Degree in Portuguese Language and Applied Foreign Languages at FCH. The last workshop in this cycle will take place on April 15 and 22, themed "Basic Life Support", and will be led by António Borges, coordinator of the "Projeto Capacitar para Salvar" at the Nursing School of Lisbon (FCSE).