Program Description

The Master’s Degree in Public Health Psychology is a new specialization that aims to respond to the growing public health challenges, focusing on the practical application of the concepts and theoretical models of Health Psychology and Behavioural Sciences. Thus, it aims to promote the adoption and implementation of disease prevention and health protection and promotion measures, based on the best scientific evidence available, that may result in individual and collective health gains.

This specialisation is unique at a national level and is furthermore aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is aimed both at graduates in Psychology and in other areas for which this training may be relevant (e.g., Health, Communication, Sociology).

It consists of fundamental training for professionals who work with individuals and groups with whom disease prevention and health protection and promotion may be implemented (e.g., nurses, doctors, educators), who wish to promote health literacy and improve its communication (e.g., journalists), or who intervene in crisis and emergency situations or in the drafting of health-related public policies (e.g., policy makers).


General goals:
  • Strengthening knowledge on theoretical models in Health Psychology and Wellness;
  • Expanding knowledge on the relationship between psychological factors and behaviours in relation to health, disease and wellbeing, in conjunction with biological and medical, family, social and institutional factors;
  • Promotion of skills for planning and implementing public health policies, risk prevention measures, behavioural change and promotion of health and wellbeing, based on the best scientific evidence available;
  • Promotion of an interdisciplinary approach, able to respond to current societal challenges in public health, privileging close collaboration with other professionals.


Career opportunities:

Students who complete this area of specialization are academically qualified to work, among others, in the following contexts:

  • Corporations;
  • Government entities within the area of Health;
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs);
  • Parish Centres and Municipal Councils;
  • Schools;
  • Private Social Solidarity Institutions (IPSS);
  • Research.


Institutional Sponsorship:
Ajomed - Associação dos jovens médicos




Admissions Office - Masters

Phone: (+351) 217 214 281