Master in Family Studies

Program Description

The Master’s degree in Family Studies is part of the training available at the Institute of Family Science, FCH and, in Portugal, the only Master’s degree in this scientific field.

It is based on a multidisciplinary programme that aims to deepen scientific knowledge in the area of Family Studies, as well as to develop avenues of inquiry and intervention in this area.

With the duration of four semesters (120 ECTS), it provides unique specialized training in the field of Family Sciences for graduates/professionals from different areas such as Law, Social Work, Education, Health and Psychology, among others.

In particular, lecturers on this degree possess scientific and pedagogical specialization capable of providing responses that are pertinent and outstanding in quality and that meet the demands of the multidisciplinary training that is intended.

The Master’s degree in Family Studies is aimed at all graduate professionals who work (or wish to work) with families, including social workers, teachers, psychologists, jurists, magistrates, etc.



Since the Master’s degree aims to enhance the knowledge and use of the tools necessary for effective intervention in families, its specific objectives are as follows:

  • To gain knowledge on the main conceptual and methodological frameworks for the study of the family;
  • To contribute to critical and deontological reflection on intervention practices in a family context;
  • To promote the consolidation of empirical research practices in the domain of the family;
  • To encourage interchanges between experts from various scientific fields, in order to deepen and integrate family study models and methodologies.


Admissions Office - Masters

Phone: (+351) 217 214 281


Sofia Silva- Testemunho

Sofia Silva

"This is a programme that provides us with tools to work with families from all backgrounds, allowing us an improved professional performance".