Life on Campus

alunos - vida no campus

While attending the undergraduate program at FCH-Católica, students will be encouraged to participate in various activities in which they will be able to acquire and develop new skills. In addition to conferences, seminars, workshops and other activities taking place throughout the year, we highlight some initiatives that will mark the daily lives of students at FCH-Católica:


FCH Student Association (AEFCH)

FCH Student's Union

In order to foster conviviality among students throughout the school year, AEFCH coordinates a series of events that encourage a culture of entertainment within the Faculty. Among some of these annual events are: Freshers’ Weekend, Christmas Gala, Blessing of Finalists, and Finalist Ball. 

Follow AEFCH’s activities on Facebook and Instagram


Pontivírgula Student Newspaper

Jornal Pontivírgula alunos FCH

The Pontivírgula newspaper is a means of communication created and managed by the students of the Faculty of Human Sciences. As a university newspaper, it excels in disseminating topical and cultural news, encouraging students to explore their talents and interests, to acquire skills and to prepare for their professional life.

Follow the Pontívirgula Newspaper on Facebook.


QuaseFM Radio

Quase FM Rádio FCH

QuaseFM Radio is a means of communication created and managed by the students of the Faculty of Human Sciences. During the Radio Project module, students create daily radio broadcasts, with partial transmission to the University campus. This helps to bring together different communities that can listen to the station or follow it on social networks.

Follow QuaseFM on Facebook.



FCH Solidarity Program – The Other Within Us

FCH Solidária

FCH Solidarity – The Other Within Us is a volunteer and social responsibility program promoted by the Faculty of Human Sciences. Under this program, annual activities are organised aiming to involve the academic community and to contribute to a social cause. Among these are the annual solidarity action welcoming new undergraduate students, and the Christmas solidarity campaign.

Learn more about the last initiatives we supported here



católica ativa

ACTIVE CATÓLICA is a volunteer programme promoted by UCP’s Social Responsibility Office, aiming to introduce students with different academic backgrounds to an experience approximating the professional world. It offers students the chance to apply already acquired classroom knowledge and to develop values and social skills that will bolster their future professional performance. This programme focuses on the importance of offering students of all degrees an opportunity for added skills and personal growth while, at the same time, fulfilling a duty of citizenship by supporting organizations and their development projects. 

For more information, please email



Internship Programs

With more than 200 partner institutions, at FCH-Católica students benefit from curricular and summer internships in the most prestigious national and international companies. From day one, students are encouraged to develop their skills and experience in the labour market. To this end, FCH has two offices offering support and guidance during the integration period for national (the Careers Office) and international (the AETC – Atlantic Erasmus Training Consortium) internship programs. 




MyCareer is an annual event supported by FCH’s Careers Office that promotes links between companies, organizations, students and lecturers with the aim of deepening knowledge and encouraging dialogue and interchange between the academic community and the professional world.

For further information, click here.


Mentoring Program

Promoted by FCH’s Careers Office, the Mentoring Program aims to brings together current and former FCH students in order to facilitate the exchange of academic and professional experiences.

For further information, click here.


Upcoming Events
