Translation and Media

6 ECTS / Semester / Portuguese

This curricular unit has three main objectives:

  • To know the multiple translation practices in the media, including the work of professional media translators and also the translation work of journalists and others. 
  • To reflect critically on the variety of practices and multimodality of media translation, from the translation of journalistic articles, subtitling of news pieces, to the practice of "hidden translation" in the transmission of international news, among others.
  • To apply appropriate research methods in the production of original and relevant research on media and media translation, under various relevant theoretical and practical perspectives, according to the research interests of each student.
  • To offer detailed and specific training in the use of the most important software for media translation.  


Assistant Professor
Doctoral degree in Comparative Literature from the State University of New York at Stony Brook (2017) and is currently (since 2018) Invited Assistant Professor…