Practices, Policies and Contexts of Cultural Analysis

10 ECTS / Semester / Portuguese

The seminar reflects on the macro-system of culture and on its theoretical and practical approaches. It takes Culture Studies as its main object of study and  questions its strategies, contexts and theoretical developments.

Other than advanced communication and written skills, the seminar aims to foster a global understanding of culture. Furthermore the seminar aims to develop in the student intercultural competencies and contribute to foster a critical reasoning supported by informed academic arguments. The student will be able to diagnose a problem, to place it in its socio-cultural context and compare it to similar or opposing cultural realities. Following the Dublin descriptors, and as a third cycle seminar, it will guide the student in doing original, critical research, that engages in
a fruitful and systematic dialogue with the scholarly community of the field of study.


Full Professor
Full Professor in the FCH - Faculty of Human Sciences, UCP - the Catholic University of Portugal, where she served as Vice-Rector between 2004 and 2012. She…