Development of the course following the concept Social Work as an Human Rights Profession. Development of an ethical sense to the professional intervention, such as: to join theory and practice trying to go from a determinist to a holistic understanding of the phenomena; to be informed about structural oppression and its consequences; challenges and limits from relativists theories; to reinforced the importance of empowerment methodologies; to train the users participation; to be aware about the human needs in the context of political aspects and the personal dimension ; to reinforce qualitative research to a better information about the real contexts .Competences: Each student must be able to make choices and to plan her/his intervention, with aims and meaning and to put them into practice. Develop practical intervention on ethical difficulties answering it according the basic values of the profession following the last global Social Work definition (2014) (Human Rights, Social Justice, collective responsibility and respect for diversities).
Ethics and Deontology of Social Work
5 ECTS / Semestral / Portuguese